Why do we control rodents?
Rodents have the potential to:
Contaminate homes and workplaces, spreading disease.
Damage procession’s and get into your foodstuffs
Damage property, causing fires and flooding
Cause huge financial loss
So if you have a pest problem it is essential you take action to deal with it.
Prevent contamination and disease
Rats and mice can easily contaminate food and work surfaces with their excreta, hairs or body parts. These are potential pathogens that spread disease. Parasites carried by pest species can also be passed on to humans causing illness and stress.
First Call Pest Management offers a professional and quality service at a highly competitive price. We will carry out a property survey prior to commencing treatment and guide you through the process on the course of action.
For rats in or around properties we carry out 3 visits 1-2 weeks apart, treat the property and we also proof against re-entry.
For mice in or around properties we carry out 3 visits 1-2 weeks apart, treat the property and we also proof against re-entry.
Gray Squirrel in properties we carry out 3 visits 1-2 weeks apart, treat the property and we also proof against re-entry.